Nature’s Pantry’s Guide to Aromatherapy

Since the evolution of human civilization, newer and newer remedies in the field of medicine are discovered and today we have a complete set of most advanced conventional medicines. But history reveals that our roots, i.e. most ancient human civilizations, were all dependent on alternate forms of medicines.
What is an alternative medicine?
At Nature’s Pantry in Lebanon, Missouri, we describe alternative medicine as a remedy that is far more away from conventional forms of medicine. They are much closer to nature and are based on traditional and more religious concepts of a human society. They are meant to cure the root cause of any disease and they work on any of our five senses, i.e. our ability to smell, hear, touch, taste and see. Alternative forms of medicines are used since ages and they have gained popularity in today’s modern world because of their strong power of healing and their properties of being safe, i.e. they do not have any side effect on human body as compared to conventional forms of medicine, i.e. allopathic medicines. The popular forms of alternative medicine are Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Ayurveda.
What is Aromatherapy?
This is a question we get asked frequently at Nature’s Pantry in Lebanon, Missouri. As the name suggests, aromatherapy is a remedial practice of using natural smells derived from natural produce in the form of essential oils to heal certain human body. Essential oils are derived by using different parts of plants and trees like the stems, bark, roots, flowers and even leaves. The popular refinement methods used to extract essential oils are distillation and solvent extraction. The therapeutic and divine properties of essential oils are known to heal the emotional and physical ailments of human body.
How does Aromatherapy work?
Professionals in the field of medicine are not yet completely clear about the working of aromatherapy, but they believe that it works on one of the five senses of human body, i.e. it is based on human being’s ability to smell. The nervous system of human body is exposed to external environment through olfactory bulbs. The olfactory bulbs or smell receptors found in our nasal opening are capable of carrying every small detail about the environment to the brain – a part of human body where all the sentiments and memories are stored. When aromatic smells of essential oils are inhaled, brain is delivered with therapeutic benefits of essential oils which help release negative thoughts from human mind thereby soothing the tension of body muscles. Aromatherapy is practiced either by diffusing essential oils in air or by direct inhalation or by topical applications, i.e. in the form of body massage.
Effects and benefits of aromatherapy:
Aromatherapy makes intense effect in healing human mind and body. Aromatherapy is beneficial in uplifting mood, in relieving pain and in enhancing mental processes of human body. They are effective in treating bacterial infections, anxiety, inflammatory issues, respiratory problems and indigestion problems. Aromatherapy not only delivers healing powers to human body, but also provides rejuvenating powers to the human body.
Popular essential oils and herbs:
At Nature’s Pantry in Lebanon, Missouri, we handle many essential oils and herbs that are at the center of Aromatherapy. Mother Nature has showered humanity with valuable natural produce which are used by aromatherapy in the form of essential oils and herbs. Some of the most popular among them are listed below.
Sandalwood oil is extracted from wood of sandalwood tree by distillation process. In aromatherapy, sandalwood oil is believed to deliver soothing effect to the human body. Studies reveal that inhaling the aroma of sandalwood oil has enhanced heart rate and has helped to heal respiratory problems, skin problems and nervous disorder.
Peppermint is a hybrid form of mint used since ages to treat common cold, flu, tender throat and stuffy nose. Peppermint oil is widely used to provide relief from tensed and tired muscles. Peppermint as herb is known to resolved indigestion problems.
Rosemary is a perennial plant known for its aromatic fragrance. In Aromatherapy, rosemary oil is used to treat mental stress, memory problems and even muscle pain. Its distinctive smell is known to rejuvenate mind and reduce fatigue.
Sweet Marjoram:
Marjoram is usually used in providing flavor to foods and medicines. It is even used in body care products. Marjoram oil is known to heal digestive tract, migraines, anxiety, mental instability, trauma and even nervous system.
Cedar wood:
Cedar wood oil is vital in aromatherapy. It has expectorant properties which are good to heal flu and common cold. It is helpful to treat bronchitis, coughs and even infections. Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil is used to treat muscle pain, cold and stuffy nose in aromatherapy. This is why it is widely used in producing cough syrups, mouthwash and many other body care products. Eucalyptus is also used to treat skin disorders like acne, herpes, chicken pox and other similar skin eruptions.
Lavender oil is extracted from lavender plant and is commonly used in aromatherapy to treat insomnia, anxiety and mental stress. Lavender oils are known to promotes sleep is widely used in production of beauty products like body lotions, creams, talcum powder and scrubs.